DIY: a little overdone

I know that these ripped tees have had their run on the top of the trendy charts lately.  And although I hate to admit that I like trends or even follow them, I do, and I have no choice, they are everywhere. I'm starting to realize that you can't dislike something just because the masses like it - especially if it is such a cool textured thing as this. Therefore I have embraced this particular trend (late and all). Doing the "ripping" myself made me love the idea and like the aesthetic of it even more. I was choosing what strings to pull and which ones not to change making this design original to myself. In the end I quite liked the results and would even consider doing it to another garment (maybe a pair of knit pants); ooohhhh, that sounds good! Ok, whenever I get another free second away from designing to commit to a D.I.Y. I think that knit tattered pants may be in the equation.