Financial Security seminar for Wednesday Wisdom Fifth Wednesday

Mark November 30th at 1:30 on your calendar to come to the library and hear about ways to protect your finances and to make safe investing decisions. The program will be presented by representatives of the Department of Law and Public Safety, NJ Division of Consumer Affairs who are part of the Office of the Attorney General.

The presentation will be a frank discussion on safe investing practices and financial security given by the people who are part of the team that investigates securities fraud in the state.

The speaker will discuss topics like investor scams, types of fraud, understanding risk, investor rights, how to conduct background checks and how to recognize red flags that may indicate consumer fraud. Literature will be available that you can take home as reinforcement of what is presented in the seminar.

The goal of the Bureau of Securities is to help the consumer make informed investment decisions and not fall victim to the fraudulent or illegal scams.

Don't miss this important presentation. The Wednesday Wisdom program offers something of interest to adults every Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 in the library. Check our newsletter The Compass for the schedule of programs or visit for more information.