I was initially inspired to do this collection when a friend of mine, Margie Veazey, created a paper fold pattern from a note she found on the church bulletin board. Nothing too complicated I suppose, yet the simple but intricate form intrigued me. I enjoyed the way the light hit the panels, making shadow an important element of its design. I kept the pattern and proceeded to try and replicate the effect from paper to fabric, then from fabric to draped on a form, then finally to a garment. I combined the paper pattern to another form I also found interesting at the time. I was also playing with pocket pattern shapes, and found that if two pocket patterns are sewn together they form a “U” shape. If you then bend the shape upside-down, it forms this wonderful evenly spaced ruffle-like drape. This shape is ultimately a flounce, a drape that I am very attracted to. I find it funny how one discovers something familiar while fiddling with something new; it reinforces your attraction to the former and forces you to strengthen your way of thinking toward concepts thought to have been previously mastered. I combined the two elements together to design my collection, along with a color palette of four colors; red, black, teal, and white.