This year Atlanta has been chosen to participate in Fashions Night Out! The globe-spanning shopping extravaganza that was created by Vogue & CFDA to celebrate fashion and promote retail sales. Atlanta seems to be climbing the fashion ladder with this invite to join the world to gear up for a glittering night of shopping. Plus, this year, yours truly was a finalist for CBS Fashion’s Night Out 2010 “Fashion Number One Fan Contest” which was in collaboration with the CFDA & Vogue. Although I did not win, I still plan on celebrating fashion and shopping here in Atlanta. If you want to hang out with me, I will be all over and around Lenox Square for the night.
In NYC fashion fans get to 1 attend a larger then life fashion show - the biggest NYC has ever hosted which will be held outside in Lincoln Center. 2 Hang out with Halle Berry at Ralph Laurens mansion and have her sign the cover of your September issue 3 Mingle with top models 4 see Karl, Marc and all the other designers and so much more.