The newspaper headlines banner the country's decision not to attend the Nobel Peace Prize in Norway. The announcement has already ignited the fire that will scorch the government in the coming days. While we find it strange for Aquino to boycott the ceremony, writings on the wall show enough reasons as to why our absence is justified.
The recipient of the prestigious award is a Chinese dissident, Liu Xiaobo. He is a human rights activist in Beijing, imprisoned for his non-violent campaign for free expression. While our constitution guarantees freedom of speech, none of this happens in China. The system worked for them, conveniently, and their economic prosperity speaks of their success.
For an enemy of the state to win the Nobel Peace Prize is an affront to such government. The Chinese were furious of course, why pick on them when they have never meddled with anyone's business. Flexing its muscles, the behemoth has asked countries not to attend the event. The government still owes China a big favor. Caving into pressure is inevitable.
"We do not want to further annoy China," a senior diplomat at the DFA said.
History tells how our failed rescue attempt at the Manila Hostage Crisis almost cost us a diplomatic incident. The Chinese in Beijing hid their disappointment and allowed the senseless butchery to pass. We must not forget too that several western countries issued a travel advisory to the Philippines a few months ago. We were, as they say, a terrorist target and they could not afford their citizens becoming part of the casualties. PNoy pleaded for these countries to reconsider, but no one listened. While our tourism suffered as a consequence, Beijing quietly encouraged its citizens to still visit the country.
These western nations talk of human rights like they are free from the original sin. But look who's talking. When Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks dropped the bomb at the United States, these same countries race to get the whisteblower's head and present it, laden with gifts, to Uncle Sam.
Hypocrisy at its finest.
Our decision to withhold our presence has nothing to do with Human Rights or Democracy. In fact, the government tries hard to be fair and judicious with everyone.
Its simply politics. Period. The West has abandoned us in our time of need. Might as well show China a little gratitude by walking away at this pretentious awarding ceremony and show to the world
HANOI - The Internet and free expression have been increasingly stifled in Vietnam this year during a clampdown that seen almost 40 people arrested or convicted, the US ambassador said Thursday."2010 witnessed an overall narrowing of the space for public discourse in Vietnam," ambassador Michael Michalak told a forum ahead of international Human Rights Day on Friday."More than 24 people were arrested and an additional 14 were convicted for the peaceful expression of their views."Free expression increasingly stifled in Vietnam --US
Last time I've heard, these two countries were planning to have joint military exercises.
We deal not with Orocans.