
We were made to believe that it never gets broken; that its content management system boasts reliability and its name synonymous with excellence. But no. Words have betrayed me. For the first time in recent memory, Blogger went offline after a routine maintenance check crashed the blog hosting service.    

The website's day-long inaccessibility sent chills across the blogging community. Twitter was abundant with real-time feeds condemning this inconvenience. What made this malfunction infuriating was the sudden deletion of recent posts.

As of this writing, my comments still needs salvaging.

The restoration of the service continues and there is no doubt that this inglorious outage hits close to Google Not only does it consider Blogger its key product, the search engine's name has already been tarnished by this system failure.

I wonder if Wordpress suffer the same fate.

Meanwhile, complacency must not reign over the brief lull. I will take my chances to protect my posts. Soul Jacker is the planetship. If a time comes when my memory is all that remains, the words written here - in this life repository - is the only footprint I will leave behind.

settings - basic - export blog

"Sir, we have found a way to reverse-engineer the Planetship. Blueprints of an exact copy is now available."

"Send it to our sentry probes," the commander instructs. "Make sure to send as many copies as you can.

"Sending blueprints now... Done"

"Good. should the star unexpectedly collapse or this machine's power plant fails beyond repair, we are assured that another planetship takes our cudgels.

Our entire civilization will not begin from scratch."