Novelty: A Wang sample sale find

I'd taken the day off because I just knew the lines were going to be ridiculous, plus I could justify it by useing the rest of the day to do freelance work. That morning I had a few errands to run, fabric shopping, and patterns to makes. On my way to Sil Thread, I decided to stop by the sample sale location a little early (it was sort of on the way). I wanted to approximate just how ridiculous the lines were actually going to be according to how many people were standing in it already. When I arrived there was no line, just a few employees hanging out in front. I asked, "Is this where you wait?", "you may go in" one of them replied, "we are not to busy at the moment." My heart gave a little jump as I walked inside the packed space. The crowd inside wasn't so overwhelmingly large, this morning was originally designated for friends and family only to shop.  Supper excited I found myself shopping and changing in a large open room full of beautiful models and there stylish best friends. I felt so lucky be there, not having stood in line at all.  Found this cape - jacket almost immediately upon walking in, I held on to it until I got a chance to see, touch & feel almost everything in the room. Even after trying on like twenty billion  garments, it ended up being one of the only two items to came home with me.