Summer Reading is over and we are still considering if we will continue the book review = prize drawing contest. It would work roughly the same way as over the summer – if you complete a book review of the books you read, you will be entered into a weekly contest, which would be a selection off the prize cart and at the end of a three month period, there would be a grand prize drawing for a Barnes and Noble gift card.
Today is Tuesday, September 20, 2011. It is the 263rd day of the year and there are 102 days remaining until 2012. Autumn officially arrives on Friday. The Cosby Show premiered on this day in 1984 and The Phil Silvers Show premiered on September 20, 1955. It is opening day of the United Nations General Assembly – this year being the 64th session and it is the opening day of the Parliament in the Netherlands, which is referred to as Prinsjesdag. Dr. Joyce Brothers was born on this day in 1928, Anne Meara in 1929 and Sophia Loren in 1934. September is an auspicious month. Happy AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Month, Atrial Fibrillation Month ADHD Month, Baby Safety Month, Backpack Safety America Month, Be Kind to Writers and Editors Month, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, Chile National Month, Fall Hat Month, Go Wild During California Wild Rice Month, Great American Low-Cholesterol, Low Fat Pizza Bake, Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month, Happy Cat Month, International People Skills Month, International Self-Awareness Month, International Strategic Thinking Month, Mold Awareness Month, National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, National Chicken Month, National Coupon Month, National DNA, Genomics and Stem Cell Education and Awareness Month, National Head Lice Prevention Month, National Home Furnishings Month, National Honey Month, National Mushroom Month, National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month (by Presidential Proclamation), National Piano Month, National Preparedness Month, National Rice Month, National Sickle Cell Month, National Skin Care Awareness Month, One-on-one Month, Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Pleasure Your Mate Month, Sea Cadet Month, September is Healthy Aging Month, Shameless Promotion Month, Sports and Home Eye Safety Month, Subliminal Communications Month, Update Your Resume Month, Whale Grains Month, Women’s Friendship Month, and World Animal Remembrance Month to one and all! This information comes from my favorite reference book, Chase’s Calendar of Events, published every year by the McGraw Hill Companies.
However, the most important association for September, since 1987, is that it is Library Card Sign-up Month!! This observance was launched to meet the challenge of then Secretary of Education William J. Bennett who said, “Let’s have a national campaign. Every child should obtain a library card – and use it.” If you or anyone in your family does not have a library card, what are you waiting for? The American Library Association reminds us that “It is the most important school supply of all” and you can get one FREE at your local library! Check out all the things we have to offer here at the South Brunswick Public Library on our webpage at and come see us soon!