March Wednesday Wisdon TED Talks

The Wednesday Wisdom TED talks scheduled for March 7, 2012 at 1:30 will continue exploring the Charter for Compassion and will relate to the Continuing Community Conversation Panel to be held this Sunday, March 11, 2012 in the library meeting room.

The TED talks that will be presented, and the description of each from the TED website at, are as follows:

Rabbi Jackie Tabick: The balancing act of compassion - While we all agree that compassion is a great idea, Rabbi Tabick acknowledges there are challenges to its execution. She explains how a careful balance of compassion and justice allows us to do good deeds, and keep our sanity. 

Swami Dayananda Saraswati: The profound journey of compassion - Swami Dayananda Saraswati unravels the parallel paths of personal development and attaining true compassion. He walks us through each step of self-realization, from helpless infancy to the fearless act of caring for others.

Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf: Lose your ego, find your compassion - Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf combines the teachings of the Qur’an, the stories of Rumi, and the examples of Muhammad and Jesus, to demonstrate that only one obstacle stands between each of us and absolute compassion -- ourselves.   

Karen Armstrong: Let's revive the Golden Rule - Weeks from the Charter for Compassion launch, Karen Armstrong looks at religion's role in the 21st century: Will its dogmas divide us? Or will it unite us for common good? She reviews the catalysts that can drive the world's faiths to rediscover the Golden Rule.

Join us as we explore this important topic.