This Week at the SBPL I Discovered … How to Help Myself!

Last Saturday night I was up late watching television and as I surfed through the channels, not looking for anything in particular, an infomercial by motivational speaker Tony Robbins caught my eye. I landed here for awhile. I watched and listened to the captivating sales pitch and urgent outreach.

The price tag was big enough to require installments and I thought what a shame. As I listened to the announcer’s push to call right now, I thought, “I bet the library has something by Tony Robbins … for free!” And, we do. Actually we have three double audio cassette packages. They are not the latest in Robbins collection, but who cares? I listened to all of them on my commute to and from work and was surely motivated to do better, think better, feel better, but what really felt the best right off the bat was that I got my shot in the arm for free! Thanks to the Library.

Feeling better through your own efforts is what self-help propaganda is all about. By using the library instead of my wallet, I added bonus feel-better points right up front. I got my pep talk with zero installments, free and clear! While the self-help gurus probably won’t mention this (no) payment option in their infomercials (understandably, they are trying to make a living after all and I do not begrudge them), getting my boost for free…helped me feel successful and richer right away!

Do you need a helping hand in your personal life? At no charge at all? Just walk to Row 26 in our book collection at South Brunswick Public Library (we also have some A/V on the other side of the Library’s main floor, across from the DVD collection. In Row 26 you will find the comfort of friends such as Dr. Phil, Joel Olsteen, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, and Jack Canfield, among many more.

Topics in self-help (Dewey numbers in the 150s) touch topics of interest including happiness, health, self-esteem, love, weight loss, energy, budgeting, parenting(find more parenting resources in the Children’s Dept.), and of course relationships of all kinds.

So the next time that you feel the need for a little self-help, start feeling good first by taking your Library card out of your wallet and not your credit card.

Have a happy day! 