There has been a lot going on since "shit-mageddon" and to do a play by play will only bore anyone who reads this to the point of going clothes shopping at the goodwill. As a side note on the goodwill- you can find some very cool things there for pennies on the dollar and they also sell used underpants. Not that anyone should ever purchase used underwear, but if your life goes that rouge, by all means.
So a fast-forwarded version of our lives is as follows:
As we stand currently with the house, and our upcoming nuptials (in exactly 20 days!) here goes:
We had intended on starting on a room and finishing it completely before moving on to the next room, we got that advice from very wise people who have renovated their homes. We, however were not mentally capable of following their advice. We first started in the kitchen, because we had been eating out for literally over a month and we just needed a good home cooked meal, and I love to cook. Also I was getting fat because of all the take out and was afraid I wouldn't fit into my beautiful wedding dress- my mother made it by hand using fabric and lace from my grandmothers, my mothers, and Preston's mothers wedding dresses and it is exquisite. So we started on the kitchen, it had the most horrible cabinets and I always loved having light colored cabinets, I also wanted a red kitchen. Preston, being the wonderful man he is let me do whatever made me happy. While painting the kitchen cabinets and walls we were horrified at the findings under one of the bottom drawers- a rat skeleton. Also other miscellaneous things. Preston got almost sick and we moved to another room for our sanity's sake.
After the rat skeleton and remembering the opossum and the half decomposed squirrel in the attic, we decided that having a cat around would make us feel safer! We went up to the PetsMart and fell in love with the cutest orange tabby kitten you've ever seen. We adopted him and named him Willie, after Willie Nelson. He loves his cat nip ball and the real Willie's music so we only thought it was fitting. Not long after bringing Willie the cat home, we realized the fleas never really left (from the spraying before we got the house) and poor Willie was covered, we were covered and it was just a mess. We were so worried about our poor kitty we went to Walmart at almost midnight to get some flea medicine for him. We quickly found out that going in a hurry to Walmart at almost midnight is not the thing to do. After waiting in the self check out line for about 20 minutes (it seemed) we were next and the Walmart employee closed it and said basically " sorry about your bad luck, but I have to work at Walmart so I am just going to be a B" this didn't set well with us. We were flea bitten, and worried about our kitten, so Preston (in a rage that is completely not like him) told the Walmart lady pretty much everything that was on his mind. After a few minutes of arguing we decided to walk out. We got to the door and remembered our poor kitty was in flea hell and went back for our items. The B at the self check out finally (and rudely might I add) rang us up and we thanked her and gave Willie the relief he had been waiting for. Less than a week later we took him to the vet because he had ringworm all over his little body which he obviously had before we adopted him. And he ended up giving it to me, on the middle of my neck, that is not the kind of thing any girl wants, especially one week before her bridal portraits. Luckily Preston's Aunt Sally is a miracle worker and got me some cream and it was gone in a jiffy! (damn not having insurance until we get married)
Next on the list was the popcorn ceilings upstairs in the master bedroom and his man room. I fully believe both women and men need a place for all their treasures, such as collector lunch boxes that have gladiators and the ninja turtles to be displayed nicely. Popcorn, after scraping, mudding, sanding, mudding, sanding and finally painting doesn't seem so bad. In the master bedroom I thought for sure when we decided to put bead board on the ceiling after scraping the popcorn and mudding and so fourth Preston was going to throw his hammer into the wall. We learned fast that unless you have a nail gun and more than two people, bead board sheets are not a good call. Also, liquid nails sucks. So we painted the ceiling white, and hung a new light fixture. The knob and tube wiring made it difficult to change out the fixture, but we red-neck-rigged it to work great!
The laundry room was my own project, I would work on it on my days off and it would get done when it gets done, all I have left now is to find the perfect old looking cabinet knobs and fix the door frame. Why do we need to fix the door frame you might be asking? Well, the day before the fourth of July our house was broken into. It was weird more than anything, instead of taking the computer, tv and such, the person who broke in sat down and watched movies and stole my gun. It was un-nerving and scary and sad, but we filed a police report and tried to get over it. We were still emotionally riddled and weirded out. So Preston and I built a fence where it had fallen/ been taken down, in the 100+ degree Texas Summer so we (mostly I) could have a chance of feeling safe again. Damn that extra unexpected expense, the fence looks good though, we are going to wait until finances and the weather cool off a little to replace the other parts of the existing fence.
We absolutely love our home with all our hearts, but every time we turn around it seems like everything is so much bigger of a deal than it should be, and more expensive, and takes longer. We have been living like construction workers inside our home and we just want to feel good walking around barefooted and shower without the worry of something crazy happening.
All and all, we are thrilled, we just wish we would win that $5000 prize from the home depot receipts, I can't even remember how many surveys I've filled out. Whew.
More to come, have to finish cleaning all the sanding debris off the wooden floors upstairs.
Also, during this rouge time in our lives, in Texas, in the Summer, we found that someone maliciously cut the freon lines to not one, but both our air conditioning units. Which cost us lots, and lots and lots, but we are finally cool. It's probably a good thing that I don't know A) who cut the freon lines and B) who broke into our house. It's Texas after all. ;-)