Okay, so on the day's when Preston and I don't go crazy re-doing our home we watch the HGTV and DIY network for giggles and inspiration. I just have to vent for a moment and forgive me if I sound like a huge bitch.
Watching the Renovation Realities just makes me so angry sometimes. These women are so stupid and are just not cut out for any home improvement task they are taking on most of the time. These women actually think that blow drying your hair and curling it and putting on make up and lip gloss is something that should happen BEFORE renovation. NO. Thats not how it happens in home renovation times. You wake up and you just freaking get to work, you don't complain that you are frustrated and tired and sore after 20 minutes of working on a simple task like ripping out a wall of sheet rock! Last time Preston and I were working on the kitchen floor we both got cut really badly and were bleeding before we even noticed that we were cut! Just get it together and realize if you aren't cut out for it JUST DON'T DO IT! Save your husband, tv viewers, and me the trouble and just go get your nails done and leave the work to the real people.
As another side note, Big Tex burned down and that really made me and Preston sad. Not only is he a very important icon at the State Fair of Texas, he is dear to our hearts. That is where Preston asked me (last year) to marry him! Right in front of Big Tex. Well, today while the new season of Dallas was being filmed where I work, I walked into the room and Jessie Metcalf said "I'm glad Big Tex burned down" I was shocked and angry so I asked him to repeat that (because I thought I had miss-heard) and he repeated it just the same. My response: " You are an asshole." and then after talking for a few minutes I came to the conclusion that he is a half-way decent guy but still on my not-so-good-list. When I told Preston what I had said he text me back "babe, you gotta control your inner old man".
Another episode of Renovation Realities and the wife is already making me A) feel bad for her husband and B) makes me want to find her and punch her in the face and stop asking so many dumb questions like why is insulation pink? Who freaking cares?!@(@*$&#(#@! Just tear the stuff out and stop worrying about brown recluses.