Adult Summer Reading Wrap-up

The Summer Reading Programs are all done now that it is September and Labor Day is behind us.  There is however, one remnant of the summer that continues here at the library.  Our South Brunswick Travels Photo Mural that features photographs of all of the places that our staff and our patrons have visited will be posted in the library through October and the prize drawing for a Shutterfly Gift Card will be held some time during the first week of October.  If you have submitted a photo to the mural, you are entered into the drawing.  And there is still time to submit your photos and be included on the mural and entered into the drawing.  We are taking submittals of up to three photos through the end of September.  You can drop off your photos on a CD at the Information Desk or you can send them to  as an email attachment.
The mural is posted on the display panels adjacent to the Check-Out Desk across the aisle from the Graphic Novel collection.  The mural and all of the pictures of our travels will be up in the library through October, so stop by and see if you can identify all of the places that are pictured.  The world map that hangs next to the mural has color dots that represent the places where people have traveled in person and sent in a picture and places that readers traveled in their easy chairs through the books that were read and recorded by submitting a Novel Destinations Entry Form. 

In total, 39 adults participated in the summer reading program.  Together they read a total of 217 books of which 105 were submitted with a review or rating.  Thank you so much to those who participated and submitted a review.  You can read the reviews in a blog called “What Should You Read Next” on our webpage at under Adults.  At the top of that page there are icons for the three blogs that are written by the library staff.  You can also connect directly at – if you don’t know what to read next, it can be a help to hear what others are reading and how they liked or disliked what they read.  Of the seven readers who read more than 10 books, our most prolific reader submitted entries for 16 books and she wrote a review for all 16 books.  There were 2 readers that read 15 books each, three that read 13 and one who read 12.  That is 92 books or a little less that half of all the books submitted.  I would say that there were at least 7 readers who had a relaxing summer traveling the world through the books they read.  

We were thinking of continuing the same type of patron provided reader’s advisory service by extending the same program through the remainder of year.  We would start the program in October with a new entry form to submit and continue to have weekly drawings from the submittals for the week with a grand prize drawing from all of the entries submitted at the end of three months on or around the first of the New Year.  The blog would be continued and perhaps some reviews will be posted in the library in a book display or pasted into the book itself.  I would love to hear if anyone is interested in continuing to provide your opinion of the books you are reading.